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Department of German

The Department of German was established in 1959 as a branch of the Higher Institute of Languages. The teaching staff at that time consisted of a number of German professors. The period of study was three years, after which the graduate was awarded a higher diploma.  In the academic year 1962-1963, the institute was transformed into the College of Languages, and the period of study in the German language Department became four years, during which a bachelor’s degree was granted in the German language.  In 1970-1971, the College of Languages ​​was joined  to the College of Arts, and the German language department linked to the European Languages ​​Department.  In the academic year 1978-1979- the department became independent from the Department of European Languages ​​to stand as  a department by itself, and it remained so even after the re-establishment of the College of Languages ​​in 1987.  The German language department is one of the ancient departments in the College of Languages, University of Baghdad, in which students learn the foundations, principles, and science of the German language and literature


Supplying the labor market with qualified graduates with a high level of speaking and writing skills so that they can construct bridges of communication and understanding with each other, in addition to graduating effective cadres in the field of continuous education,


Contribute to the development of society by providing it with live language skills, as well as instilling the spirit of acquiring knowledge among students, in a way that serves the needs of Iraqi society and represents it withincountry and beyond.

Outputs of the Department

Contribute to the development of society by supplying it with live language skills and instilling the spirit of acquiring knowledge among students in a way that meets the needs of Iraqi society and reflects it within the country and abroad.