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Department of Italian


The long-term vision of the Department of Italian, which blends harmoniously with its organizational mission, is to become the main nucleus in educating the public about the importance of the Italian language and literature. Due to its origin in one of Italy’s major towns (Florence), Its literature enlightened literary thought in Europeduring the Renaissance with its literatures and personalities that influenced many writers in Europe and the world.  As well as working to provide society with linguistically competent graduates who are able to move forward in scientific research and participate in working as bridges between two major civilizations in the world (Sumer and Rome).


The message of the Italian language department is clear since the decision was taken to establish the department. The message is to teach the Italian language and to introduce the culture and literature of this country that extends from the roots of Europe, which is the Latin culture, in addition to excelling academically in Baghdad and Iraq and making the department the cornerstone of spreading the Italian language and culture throughout Iraq and contributing professionally to providing the country with new translators who are able to break the complex of the professional lack of this language.

The department succeeded in delivering this message with the loudest voice through the translators, who imposed their presence scientifically, literarily, and professionally in the whole country. They are now known to the Iraqi and Italian governments, and they have participated in many linguistic and cultural exchange programs between Baghdad and Rome.