Faculty of Languages Organizing a scientific seminar on the concepts of sustainable development and ways to achieve it
The Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation Division, in cooperation with the Media and Government Communication Division and the Human Rights ...

Participation of language professors in interpreting the events of the Third International Kawthar Al-Asma Festival held by the Holy Threshold of Hussainiyyah
The Deanship of the College of Languages, in response to the request of the General Secretariat of the Holy Husseiniya ...

The Department of Dramatic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts Hosted the Students of the English Language Department
Academics and students of the Department of Dramatic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts hosted a group of academics and ...

The College of Languages Holds a Debate Session with the Iranian University of Nishapur
In cooperation with the University of Nishapur, the Department of the Persian Language at the College of Languages-University of Baghdad ...

College of Languages Organizes an Introductory Workshop on the Role of the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit to prepare the Graduate for the Labor Market
The Rehabilitation and Employment Unit at the College of Languages – University of Baghdad organized an introductory workshop on Sunday ...