The Spanish Language Department, in cooperation with the Department of Municipalities (Ministry of Environment and the  Municipality of Baghdad), organized an awareness workshop entitled (Recycling waste of all kinds and its impact on the environment) at the seminar hall of the Persian Language Department on Sunday, 25/2/2024,  with the participation of a number of experts from the Ministry of Environment, namely Senior Chief Engineer Riyad Fadel, Chief Engineer Nidal Habib, Engineer Ali Karim and Assistant Teacher Heba Hussein In the presence of a number of faculty, staff and students of the college.

The workshop dealt with the importance of recycling waste as it is one of the ways through which we can maintain the environment of cities clean, and this is what man seeks in these times, as the organic materials that have been recycled can be used as fertilizer for the soil, and provide a fertile environment for the soil to cultivate in it, and at the same time, the process of recycling waste of various types reduces pollution by reducing the manufacture of new materials, landfills and landfills, and avoiding combustion.

The workshop aims to introduce the meaning of the process of recycling waste of various kinds, methods of waste treatment and its impact on the atmosphere of cities. The Faculty of Languages affirms through its support for scientific and cultural activities and contribution to achieving the goals of sustainable development: The sixth goal: clean water and sanitation, as the Faculty of Languages seeks, through the presence of stakeholders in the Ministry of Environment and the Municipality of Baghdad, to benefit from community awareness, ensure hygiene and reduce the impact on the environment.

The Faculty of Languages organizes a workshop entitled  Recycling waste of all kinds and its impact on the environment
The Faculty of Languages organizes a workshop entitled  Recycling waste of all kinds and its impact on the environment

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