Italian Embassy Conducts Tests for Granting Scholarships to Iraqi Students at The College of Languages

For the third year in a row , pursuant to the sustainable development goals and the requirements of quality education, a session was conducted by the Italian Committee for granting scholarships and summer courses to Iraqi students at the College of Languages on Sunday, June 23, 2024.

The Italian committee, headed by Mrs. Chiara Franchini , the Italian Consul, and Mr. Francesco Frizona ,the Second Secretary of the Italian Embassy – Director of the Cultural Office, conducted a test for the Iraqi applicants ( students of the Italian Language Department / College of Languages ) to be enrolled in summer courses (three months) to study the Italian language and culture at University for Foreigners of Perugia in Italy as well as those who want to get Master degree in Italian language and other majors.

It is noteworthy that the vital role of The College of Languages and presidency of Italian department in enhancing international scientific cooperation promoted the Italian Committee to select The College of Languages for the third time in a row to be the testing center for interviews which have been carried out exclusively at the embassy headquarter since 2003 .

Within the same context, deanship of the college and presidency of Italian department set the favorable conditions to create a perfect atmosphere ; privacy, comfort for the Italian committee to make this process distinctive and successful.

This remarkable event of granting scholarships for Iraqi students is part of the scientific cooperation between Iraq and Italy and to support The Department of Italian Language / College of Languages as The Italian Consul has revealed that : ( The aim of this cooperation is to support the Italian Department and reflecting a good impression about The College of Languages as being a center for granting scholarships for all Iraqi students with various disciplines ).

On his part, Dr. Ali Adnan Moshawash, Dean of the Faculty of Languages, thanked the Italian Embassy and its staff, and Dr. Bahaa Najm, Head of the Italian Language Department, for their efforts to boost collaboration and support the department.


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