The Department  of Spanish has examined an M.A Thesis entitled “The Current Colloquial in Both Spanish and Latin Cinema : An Analytical and Lexical Study ‘’ by Kassim Jaber Sayhood .
This study aimed at finding out the linguistic aspects of the  colloquial language and the impact of the social environment on the language as well as the role played by the cinema and TV works in learning the Spanish and  colloquial language .
This study is concerned with the dramatic works in Spanish and Latin and to show the linguistic and colloquial terms used and the impact of the cultures on the uses of the language and also shedding the light the updates in linguistic terms used in the drama and cinema .
Moreover, the study included an analysis of the colloquial  and expressions terms in those dramatic works in terms of using dictionaries specialized in such a field .In this way , the first chapter is concerned with the practical side of the general concepts of the colloquial common in Spain , and the second chapter tackles the applied side of the study through selecting (8) Spanish and Latin movies and analyze the colloquial  terms involved with classifications .
 The study has recommended for other researchers to conduct a scientific analysis of the texts related to the dramatic works in Spain and Lain America .





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