An Instructor of College of Languages Publishes a Research Paper in an International Conference in Iran.
The assistant professor Omar Amin Abdulabbas, Ph.D, an instructor at the department of Persian Language in College of Languages, University of Baghdad, publishes a research paper in the Seventh International Conference of Persian Language and Literature which was held recently in Hamadan city. The research paper entitled (Iranian Caricature Paintings; Gaza War as an example: a Linguistic and Semantic Study). The research paper consists of an analytic-semantic study following the language of the paintings that have been published by several Iranian mass media about the reality of the war against Gaza city and its enduring citizens. The paper studies the way the paintings give meaning through both language and picture. The scholar, assistant professor Omar Amin Abdulabbas, Ph.D, refers in his analytic paper to the growing refusal of the world against the brutality of the enemy and its treatment of the humane reality since the picture introduces a strong explanation of the daily life events.

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