On Monday the 16th of June, 2023,The Spanish Language department at the College of Languages  discussed master’s thesis entitled “Linguistics Analysis of Arony in the Literary Works of Francisco de Quevedo  (as a Sample)” of the student Elaf Abd Hashim from the Spanish Language department.

This thesis concerns on the study of  sarcasm phenomenon through presenting correct Linguistics analysis to it,by which we mean words that are mentioned in a context other than the usual communication with a specific goal, in the novel “Life of a Tramp”, which is the only work that was written by the Spanish novelist (Francisco de Quevedo) between 1603 and 1608 and was officially published in 1626.

The thesis aimed to :

1- Defining the sarcasm phenomenon and the importance of its use in society because of its negative and positive influences.

2- Linguistics connecting between the literary works of the greatest Spanish writers and the sarcasm phenomenon and how to be linguistically  employed in correct form.

3- Emphasizing on the importance of sarcasm as a pragmatic phenomenon.

4-Shedding light on the use of the correct linguistic mechanism in analyzing sarcasm expressions in Spanish literary works to reach correct analytical results based on linguistic methods and pragmatic theories, especially the theory of speech acts with which they are closely linked.

The thesis recommended on the importance of studying the phenomenon of sarcasm in literary works as a linguistic pragmatic phenomenon that aims to send a specific message to the other party for specific purposes, which can be reached by diagnosing rhetorical formulas and by applying pragmatic theories to them in the correct way to reach valuable linguistic results in defining sarcastic expressions and the  goal behind it. The general results of the study show that the rhetorical, linguistic and pragmatic functions of the sarcasm phenomenon aim to create a comic effect of a strong critical nature.

The student has obtained a satisfactory degree.


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