The President of the University of Baghdad and the Dean of the College of Languages ​​are Discussing Opening the Chinese Language Department at the College of Languages

The President of the University of Baghdad, Pro. Dr. Bahaa Ibrahim Ansaf, received the Assistant of the Chinese Ambassador in Baghdad, Mr. Xu Haifeng  in the presence of the Assistant President of the University of Baghdad for Scientific Affairs, Pro.Dr. Suhail Najm Abdullah, the Dean of the College of Languages, Dr. Ali Adnan Mashwash, and Pro. Dr. Enas Khalifa Al-Sharqi, Director of the Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations at the University. .

 The two parties discussed the mechanism for enhancing scientific and cultural cooperation between the University of Baghdad and Chinese universities, and the necessity of activating the research partnership between Chinese universities and the University of Baghdad.

During the meeting, they also discussed the possibility of opening a Chinese language department at the College of Languages– Baghdad University, as well as providing all the requirements to facilitate the procedures for opening studies in this department, emphasizing the depth of the relationship between the two countries and the great role of universities in strengthening this relationship, as opening this department enhances communication and dialogue between the two ancient civilizations and the two friendly peoples.

The President of the University of Baghdad stressed the eagerness of Baghdad University to strengthen its relations with Chinese universities, noting that scientific and cultural cooperation is one of the most important ways of development and progress. He also called on Chinese students to benefit from the Study in Iraq program initiated by the Ministry of Higher Education.

The Chinese Deputy Ambassador expressed the desire of Chinese universities to enhance cooperation with the University of Baghdad, stressing the importance of Iraq as a country with an ancient history and civilization.

The College of Languages ​​affirms  its support for learning foreign languages, ​​and its contribution to the fourth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals to ensure equitable and comprehensive quality of  education for all. And the presence of the Assistant Chinese Ambassador, Mr. Xu Haifeng,  in Baghdad and officials at the university support cooperation and partnerships between various segments of society, in line with the principles of Goal 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals through cooperative efforts between academia, governments and other sectors.

The President of the University of Baghdad and the Dean of the College of Languages are Discussing Opening the Chinese Language Department at the College of Languages12
The President of the University of Baghdad and the Dean of the College of Languages are Discussing Opening the Chinese Language Department at the College of Languages13

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